What to know about the Longwood Foundation’s Grantmaking
1. The Longwood Foundation was founded in 1937 by Pierre S du Pont.
2. We are a place-based, responsive grantmaker.
3. Our mission is to be a catalyst to strengthen nonprofits in our region.
4. We are open to proposals in nearly all sectors and from those employing different strategic approaches. We will fund operating, program, and/or capital requests.
5. The Longwood Foundation does not provide routine general operating funding.
6. Grantees are asked to sustain their growth in operations and impact after Longwood’s funding.
7. We operate two grant cycles, with deadlines of March 1st and September 1st.
8. To determine whether the proposal is a fit for Longwood, prospective applicants should ask themselves three key questions.
9. Our rigorous process looks at both the organization and the details of the proposal.
We have been told that our selection process sets a high bar. If you apply, you can expect us to seek to understand your capacity to execute, deliver, & grow as proposed, how impactful that will be for our region, and how likely you are to sustain that level of impact and operations after our funds run out. We put particular emphasis on:
- leadership;
- financial health and sustainability;
- impact, outcomes, and measuring success;
- quality of planning; and
- experience and knowledge of the sector and the community served.
10. The cash flow projection is a forward-looking tool that helps us to understand and pressure test your ambition, project plan, and pace of growth against your existing scale and sources of income.
Cash allows you to pay your employees and vendors, and we ask for the granularity of a monthly or quarterly look because it allows us to understand the cash inflow and outflow need that play out over the course of a grant. This document is the glue between your project plan, proposed outcomes/measures of success, and historical financials – and serves as a road map for you to measure your financial progress against your plan if a grant is made.