Prospective Grantees: The application for the Fall 2024 Grant Cycle is due September 1st.


Nonprofit Leaders: Catalysts Together leadership program is accepting applications for the next cohort.

Feedback – Applicant and Grantee Experience

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We encourage applicants and grantees to communicate with us to provide feedback on all parts of our processes. These include the website, information sessions, application preparation and completion, applicant site visits, notification calls, convening, reporting, and grant closeout through the grant outcome review meeting. We are committed to an environment of open and honest communication. 

Regular surveys, like the Grantee Perception Report™ and Applicant Perception Report™ administered by the Center for Effective Philanthropy, are one way we seek feedback. We also welcome feedback directly, through either emails to individual staff members (you can find them on the Meet Our Team page) or by emailing feedback@longwood.org

We are also working to add a confidential method for those who prefer to offer feedback anonymously.

Your feedback will be reviewed by the Foundation. When appropriate, you will receive a response from our staff acknowledging and addressing the feedback provided.